A V I A T I O N - Art Exhibition at AAFA 2019
29.08. - 01.08.2019 @ F23, Vienna
_an art exhibition about floating bodies & 'air.crafts'
The 3rd international Aerial Arts Festival was also a platform & exhibition space for performances, sculptures, paintings, installations, photography and video works.
Within this exceptional setting the three artists Eleni Danesi (GRC/D), Yolanda Richter (NL/AUT) and Daniela Staudinger (AUT) presented works on the subjects Aerial, Body & Habitates.
The word AVIATION is resulting from the verb avier (a neologism for "to fly"), itself derived from the Latin word avis ("bird") and the suffix -ation.
The exhibtion was curated by AERIALITY
29.08.19, 18:00 - 20:00
with Performances by Eleni Danesi
>> 20 - 22:00 Aerial Open Stage Night
30.08., 9 - 18:00
31.08., 9 - 18:00
01.09., 9 - 18:00 and Finissage
About the artists:
is a body architect, artist and performer, and movement practitioner.
She studied Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens and continued her postgraduate studies in Architectural Design "Symbiosis" at the University of Thessaly.
Since 2012 she is active in the field of contemporary performance and aerial movement practices, which she combines with her background in architecture and space design.
As an artist she works on body installations (somatics), video art, video performance, photography, combining architecture, bodily expression, and experimentation.
She is a researcher on cultural practices, focusing her interest on the representation of the human body in different cultures, societies, and social groups "in relation to" or "by the cause of" psychological and sociological forces. Following a methodology of improvisation and her own research patterns, she ends up creating mixed media pieces that stand out as individual moments of expression or as part of a more complex narrative, following the labyrinth of fastly produced connection of thought and images.
She currently shares her time between Athens & Berlin.
was born in 1971 in Almelo, Netherlands. Aged three the family moved to Hamburg, at age six to Vienna. She quickly took up art and music. She was admitted into the ‚University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna‘, where she studied the cello for five years.
Since childhood Richter also displayed impeccable rendering skills, but as she grew older music and performance consumed her time. Longing to paint again, she enrolled at the University of Applied Art in Vienna in 1994, master-class for painting and graphics. She graduated in 1999.
Since 1993 numerous exhibition activities in groups and individual leaded Jolanda Richter through Europe and USA. By now Jolanda Richter lives and works as freelance-artist near Vienna.
was born 1990 in Zwettl, Austria. Daniela loves to explore new ways to move. Inspired by nature, passioned about Aerial Arts and fascinated by the human body she expresses through movement & creates new habitates to play in.
Through different types of technology she changes the perception of body as an instrument.
Daniela started contemporary dance in 2009, Aerial Dance in 2011 & photography and video works in 2008. She studies at the University for Applied Arts in Vienna since 2014.
Daniela works as a performing & installation artist at the contemporary circus collective Rhizomatic Circus.
Fotocredits: (c) Alexandra Kelicova, Dani Aeriality, Doris Wild